The Culture of Consumption with Ion Valis

In this episode, we go into the culture of content, consumption and dopamine addiction with Ion Valis.  Ion is a strategic advisor to entrepreneurs and executives. He helps them perform, transform, and flourish in an era of accelerating change.

In 2014, he published his first book, The Magnificent Mistake: How We Can Earn More from Failure than We Learn from Success. It describes an innovative system he developed to teach leaders and teams how to learn from their errors, and why it’s so important to do so.

The Culture of Coaching with Alan Heymann

(Listen on Audio Here)

Alan Heymann is an executive coach, and was previously Vice President of Communications for The Humane Society of the United States. He also held various roles in the Government of the District of Columbia, including agency public information officer, mayoral speechwriter and legislative staffer. Earlier in his career, Alan was a television reporter, producer and anchor in his native Illinois.

A New Model for Talent with John Winsor

Super fun episode talking about the future of work with John Winsor!

John Winsor is currently the executive-in-residence at Harvard Business School’s Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard (LISH) and founder and CEO of Open Assembly, a company that provides content, community, and strategic advising to organizations, people, and platforms to co-create the future of work. He was also vice president and executive director of strategy and innovation at Crispin, Porter + Bogusky. Winsor’s books include “Beyond the Brand,” “Spark,” “Flipped, and the best-selling “Baked In,” winner of the 2009 800-CEO-READ Business Book Award in marketing, Winsor is an advisor to the Interactive Advertising Bureau and the Digital Initiative at Harvard Business School, and a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review, The Guardian, Forbes and Digiday.

Go here to hear it on your favorite podcast player.

Q&A with Robbe! – Culture Hackers Podcast


In this episode I take your questions and answer them!